1 pound of ground turkey=3 meals
OK, so this is the first post with real food. Here are some things I've learned in this first go round. 1. I need my roommate, Shanna Lockwood, here with me when I do this. It's not for her cooking skills (she will laugh that I even put the words "cooking" and "skills" with her in the same sentence), but I need her to take pretty pictures of my food. For those who don't know, she's an insane photographer ( check out her website ) My cell phone photos aren't very... well good. Hey, I can write. Just the photo thing never caught on. 2. Plating food for pretty pictures is hard. This is where I give a major kudos to the people of "Tasty" (if you haven't watched a Tasty video yet you're missing out) because how they make it look easy and pretty is beyond me. Hopefully practice makes perfect cause this round was a hot mess. 3. Music and cooking for me go together. I love dancing around the kitchen while whipping up meals. So, I...